Sunday, January 31, 2010

newly opened Hockey club/academy

Lanxiang Hockey Academy is a newly opened Hockey club/academy located in Weifang,Shandong in Shandong Province in China.This Hockey academy is sponsored by the Chinese Sport Council (CSC),Chinese Hockey Federation and other reputable companies. Lanxiang Hockey Academy looking at building on this and make it a profitable academy at beginner and intermediate level for the Chinese Sport Counsil CSC in the nearest future.You may need to expand to all levels from mini tots to advanced tour players to 80 year old social players just to make it more profitable At present we have 8 Hockey Courts including Clay with modernized indoor and outdoor facilities. The players are from 38-42 in number all are beginners. The players can communicate in English. The job description includes,training,instructs players by analysing their performances and developing their abilities. Skill Level: This Contract requires you to have completed formalqualifications achieved through study,training or work experience as is refered to as the Chinese Qualifications Framework(CQF). Registration or licensing may be required in China. Skills Assesment Authority: Before you can migrate to China as a skilled migrant,you must have skills assesed by the revelant national assessment authority.The Assessment Authority for occupation and Contract is-Ministry of Labour and Social Security(MOLSS). The MOLSS is the authority in China responsible for assessing this occupation or contract for the purpose of skilled migration. Factors which are to be considered in assesssment include your achievement and qualifications. This Contract may require you to obtain licensing or registration from our local province before you can coach in the Hockey Academy. Your Responsibilites: Carry out all aspects of the Hockey program necessary to accomplish objectives of the sport within the guidelines of the Chinese Sport Council (CSC),Chinese Hockey Federation and Academy rules. Responsible for managing the Hockey Academy, which includes memberships, court scheduling, recruiting of members, financial accounting and hours of operation as set by the (CSC).*
Select, supervise and evaluate assistant coaches.*Manage the academy budget.*Market and promote Lanxiang Hockey Academy program.*Ability to effectively analyze and teach the fundamental Hockey skills and strategies of the sport*Plans Game-Day Tactics and Skill Instruction Each coach is entitled to a self contained house with all equipped housing facilities.Luxury Apartments. Air-conditioned. 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with fully fitted kitchen, laundry room, lounge/dining room and balconies.Suitable for families or small groups (up to 8 people).Two swimming pools and private communal garden. 1 kilometre from the Hockey Academy. Our living apartments is Private. Salary and Benefits: $16,300 Monthly,can be transferred to any Bank or Country of your choice and all transfers must be made in conformity with the existing tax situation in China.Furnished House,Air Way Ticket, Health Insurance,language tutor. Contract Duration: 48 months (Liable for upward review depending on your commitment and expertise) We hereby inform that if this Offer is acceptable to you, you are requested to send us an acceptance letter with your passport photograph via email to: ( and your C.V/RESUME to enable us proceed with relevant processing. Regards,Mr Chan YoyoLanxiang Hockey Academy 3F-5F International Park,Qingdao Road, Weifang,Shandong Province CHINA 277100

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