Monday, December 29, 2008

Protest in front of the Israeli embassy Monday 29/12/2008

Demonstration against the mass murder in Gaza

Today Monday 29/12/2008

in front of the Israeli embassy

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Demonstration Sunday 28/12/2008

Demonstration against the mass murder in Gaza

tommorrow, Sunday 1pm, the spire, O Connell Street

Dublin D1

Be there Plz

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Cageprisoners Presents:
GUANTANAMO FROM BOTHS SIDES OF THE WIRE national tour to mark seven years of unlawful detention, abuse and torture January 11th 2009 - 4th February 2009 03 February 2009 in Belfast. Venue: TBC.SAMI AL HAJ (Ex Guantanamo Detainee and Aljazeera Journalist) CHRISTOPHER ARENDT (Ex-Guantanamo Guard) MOAZZAM BEGG (Ex-Guantanamo Detainee, Spokesman for Cageprisoners) Guantanamo Bay stands as one of the most potent symbols of unlawful detention in the world today. The detention of suspected terrorists as the prison camps has evoked emotion from those seeking its closure and continuance.

Cageprisoners presents Two Sides – One Story­, a tour of the UK that brings those on opposite sides of wire at Guantanamo together for the first time.
Chris Arendt, a former guard at the base has agreed to speak about his experiences in detaining suspected terrorists and bring new insights into the way the US administration carried out policies against them. Also for the first time the detained
Al Jazeera journalist Sami El Haj will be speaking with Moazzam Begg as they both reflect on life at the prison on the opposite to Chris.
This unique tour is a historic moment in the continued War on Terror and will be launched on 11th January 2009, exactly seven years after the first transfers to Guantanamo Bay. More details on biography of speakers and events are on

Éire Islamic Events

Wednesday, December 17, 2008



Thursday 6pm 18th December 2008 at 6pm. Venue: THE HUB!

Tickets:: 2 euro for members and 4 euro for non-members!

Food, Entertainment etc.

Buses to DCU are 4, 11, 11a, 11b, 13, 13a, 19a, 46x, 58x! So no excuses!

De-stress after exam mode guys, especially UCD and TCD students! So be there or be square!

For more info call 0861956671



Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Umma Clinic By Raya Ali Kalaldeh

Salaam Everyone,

I was just reminded by someone of this inspiring video

Please forward this to all medical students you know and to Muslimdoctors in Ireland.I believe such a clinic should also be present in Ireland consideringthe current health service in Ireland. I don't believe Muslims have ashortage of medical degrees and knowledge in the Muslim community.Sometimes such projects could be more important than raising funds forbuilding a mosque. You can pray almost anywhere , but you can't getproper health service just anywhere:)Take care.


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Eid Salah timing 8th Dec 2008

Eid Salah in South Circular Rd Mosque IFI one at 9 am and the second on 10.30am

Eid Salah in Clonskeagh Mosque ICCI at 9.30 am

there will be refreshment , tea and coffee.

Eid Mubarak to you All

Saturday, December 6, 2008


We are calling upon all women, men, young and old to participate with us in picketing outside the Egyptian embassy.This will be in reliance Europe united in demanding lifting of the siege and opening crossing points from Gaza and its peopleThe people of Gaza now have no medicine, no food and no electricity.Children of Gaza are dying and their mothers are screaming: Where are you from this?

Date: Saturday 06/12/2008
Time: 12:00PM
Venue: Egyptian Embassy12,
Clyde Road,Ballsbridge,

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Muhammad Ali the movie in DCU Room C124

Tomorrow (4th Dec 08) showing part 1 (next week is part 2) of Muhammad Ali the movie in Room C124, Henry Gratton Building, DCU. Entrance fee is 2 euro

Also regular weekly tajweed classes in DCU every tuesday at 4.30pm-6.30pm in the interfaith centre, DCU.