Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Disease of the Heart and The Cures

“The heart has been singled out because it is the leader of the body, and through the purification of the leader the subjects become purified, and with his corruption they become corrupted. So if you, Observant of Allaah, wish to cure your heart then it is upon you to be truthful with regards to seeking refuge with Allaah and putting your trust in Him....'' Ibn Hajr Al-Asqalani
The calmness your heart desires has arrived. Cleanse your heart and taste the sweetness of true submission.Are you searching for HAPPINESS, but find yourself looking in the WRONG places?Have you reached the point praying just because you ‘have to’, and not because you absolutely love it? Are you worried that your heart is drifting further and further away from Allah and you feel lost without His Guidance? Do you fear that your actions lack SINCERITY, and are eager to get that sincerity back?Be able to say ‘ALHAMDULILAH’ and truly mean it…Give your heart a much needed ‘health check’. Determine whether or not your heart is ready for the journey to Jannah… The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said;.....Beware, in the body there is a flesh; if it is sound, the whole body is sound, and if it is corrupt, the whole body is corrupt, and behold, it is the heart." [Bukhari & Muslim]COMING TO YOU..."Disease of the Heart and The Cures"WHEN?30TH OF JANUARY 2010SATURDAY10AMWHERE?THEATRE P, ARTS BLOCK, UCD

This seminar will allow you to engage in a dialogue with your heart. It will allow you to uncover the roots of DISOBEDIENCE, and learn about the most important aspect of our religion – the sincerity of our hearts and our connection to Allah.


Br Moosa: 087 7744255
Sis Nur Fadilah: 085 289 4415

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