FOSIS Ireland Speakers Tour 2010
Tuesday 5th October
The coming of Imam Mahdi
[DIT, Dublin & UCC, Cork]
Wednesday 6th October
Major Signs of the Last day
[DCU Dublin & NUIG, Galway]
Thursday 7th October
Ad-Dajjal & The return of Christ
[UCD, Dublin & NUIG, Galway]
Friday 8th October
Till Death Do us Part, Death & The Grave
[ RCSI & IT Tallaght Dublin]
Saturday 9th October
The Day of Judgement - The End of Time....
A New Begining Conference
[DIT Aungier Street, Dubin]
''In this Speakers Tour series, the speakers will insy'Allah vividly portray the different phases the human soul passes through during its lifetime up to its death. In breathtaking style the listener will hear of the events that occur just before death and the events that come after it. The speakers will give a clear description about life in the grave, the trials of the last day, the major and minor signs leading to the last hour and the day of resurrection including Imam Mahdi, The Dajjal and many more. The speakers will crown this eloquent series with the process of accountability and recompense. On the Day of Judgment those who pass the test will be rewarded with Paradise.''
For more informatin please contact: ireland.services@fosis.org.uk for more details. For media/press coverage please contact: ireland.media@fosis.org.uk
Please make Doa for the tour insy'Allah
Shaykh Usamah At-Thahabi [USA]
''Shaykh Abu Usamah at-Thahabi was born in New Jersey in 1964. He embraced Islam in 1986 and went onto studying in the Islamic University of Madina for eight years where he graduated from the College of Da'wah and Usool-ad-Din. Abu Usamah has been very active in calling to Islam since the day he embraced Islam. His passion and eagerness in conveying the true balanced message of Islam has lead him to many parts of the world. delivering lectures and seminars, as well as translating for many scholars and Islamic intellectuals from the Muslim world.
Abu Usamah has been blessed in studying with some of the greatest scholars of our time and is also very fortunate to have spent two summers in intensive study under Shaikh Ibn Baaz and Shaikh Ibn Uthaymin. He has appeared in TV channels such as Al-Huda TV and Islam Channel. ''
Ustadh Uthman Lateef [UK]
Ustadh Uthman Lateef has a BA (1st Class Honors) in History, an MA (Distiction) in Crusader Studies, an MPhil and is currently completeing his PhD on The Place of Fada’il al-Quds (The Merits of Jerusalem) & Religious Poetry in the Muslim effort to recapture Jerusalem during the Crusades. He holds an Isobel Thornley Fellowship from the Institute of Historical Research.
Uthman Lateef is currently the joint khateeb at Stoke Poges Lane Mosque and Islamic centre, Slough. He has delivered talks in dozens of universities for many years including Aston University, University of Birmingham, University of Manchester, Goldsmiths University, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (Diamonds are Forever: Mothers of the Believers Course 2009) among many others. He is the director of the Hittin institute and is also a guest speaker for Tayyibun Institute for the teachings of Qur’an & Sunnah.
Imam Ziaullah Khan [Canada]
Imam Ziaullah Khan has traveled across many countries worldwide learning the sciences of Islam and to teach, lecture and promote a better understanding of the Islamic faith, for over two decades. Imam Ziaullah is the Director of the Center for Islamic Development. The Center provides Islamic courses on comparative religion and other areas of Islamic law, jurisprudence and understanding. Another focal point of the center is countering the adverse and distorted views put forth on Islam and its followers in the mainstream media by promoting and disseminating accurate information about Islam and Muslims. The center provides prison programs, dawa out-reach and many social programs.
He is also the founder for Ihsan Educational Center, an Islamic school that focuses on quality education in two languages, namely Arabic and English. This school provides a safe environment with intensive programs aiming to develop future scholars in their respected fields. He travels extensively giving da'wah and attending conferences across the globe including Ireland in both 2005 & for a FOSIS Ireland Speakers Tour in 2006. His travel engagements often involve lectures engaging with non-Muslims, education for Muslims and relating to the youth with his good natured humour. While at home, he leads the jummah prayer for the Dalhousie University, of which he is a graduate. He lives in Halifax Canada with his wife and five kids.
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