Tuesday, May 18, 2010


invites you to present and share
@ at the dlr Festival of World Cultures
Over the weekend Friday 23rd – Sunday 25th July 2010, the dlr Festival of World Cultures will
host an open FAITH SPACE for people and groups to communicate and share their
practices and creative expressions about the value of ‘Compassion’.
This year’s Festival marks its 10th anniversary, and in honour of this important celebratory
event the Festival seeks to deepen its ethos of building communities through nurturing
respect for diversity. The Festival values the accumulated wisdom that communities of all
faiths hold. As well as contributing to the global effort of respect, peace and unity, such
wisdom, when shared, support people to participate more fully in contemporary life in
This year’s theme is FAITH and the Festival is proud for its 10th anniversary to affirm the
international CHARTER FOR COMPASSION www.charterforcompassion.org.
The value of ‘Compassion’ is recognised across all faiths and for all of humanity to share in.
The Festival supports activities that can deepen and share encounters about compassion
through music, meditation and prayer, storytelling, discussions, dance and project displays.
If you, your community, school, group or faith tradition would like to share
EXPRESSIONS OF COMPASSION at the dlr Festival of World Cultures please email a brief
description of your proposal to info@scenario.ie or call Sylvie at the Festival Office on 01-
We are inviting people to present any of the following:
Storytelling, Poetry, Choral and Music, Dance
Interfaith Projects, Ritual, Art & Exhibitions
Prayer & Passage Sharing, Discussion Time
Audio Visual Projects
It is important that presentations offer as many insights as possible for others to learn from. We
particularly encourage proposals from communities of practice, from youth groups and projects
currently working across faith dimensions.
All Contributors must be willing to accept that they form part of a wider programme for the Faith
Space and sharing of space may be open to collaboration as part of the scheduled experience.

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