A one day course for Brothers & Sisters that will exploring the lives of some of the greatest women of all time. It seeks to enlighten the hearts, minds and souls of the Muslim students & youth in the West. It is through the wonderful examples of the Mothers of the Believers that we can achieve a correct and balanced understanding when approaching issues such as building the Islamic family, social life, working, parenting and raising children.
Maryam: The Blessed Virgin & Mother of Jesus (Peace be upon him)
Assiyah: Wife of the Pharaoh
Umm Musa: Against all odds
Khadijah bint Khuwailid: First of the Believers
Aa’isha bint Abu-Bakr: A Marriage with purpose
Hafsah bint Umar: Custodian of the Qur’an
Family life in Islam: Marriage & Child upbringing
What will you come out at the end of the course?
To provide students with the Islamic view on how to raise a family with good Islamic values.
To give insight on how women in Islam are a much-valued members of the society and that Islam holds them with high regards.
To instill confidence in Muslim students that they should be proud of great individuals from the past who should be there role models.
To enlighten audience on how women should be treated and respected.
Tremendous boost to your emaan.
Clarification of doubts about the relationship between the companions.
Knowledge of practical application of Islam.
Who is this course for?
Every Muslim who dearly loves his/her Deen and wants to know more about its great personalities.
For every dae' who wishes to understand the practical application of Islam as understood by the best of the best of women.
For every Muslim who wishes to others the knowledge of history.
For youth seeking brave, courageous & intelligent role models.
For the Lovers of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).
Speaker: Ustadh Uthman Lateef
Ustadh Uthman Lateef has a BA (Hons) in History, an MA (Dist) in Crusader Studies, an MPhil and is currently completing a PhD on The Place of Fada’il al-Quds (The Merits of Jerusalem) & Religious Poetry in the Muslim effort to recapture Jerusalem during the Crusades. He holds an Isobel Thornley Fellowship from the Institute of Historical Research. He has presented papers in Edinburgh University, the School of Oriental and African Studies, Royal Holloway University, Ghent University (Belgium) and is scheduled to present a paper at the Danish Institute in Damascus in October 2010. Uthman is also partly teaching the Crusades and Eastern Mediterranean, 1095-1291 undergraduate course.
Uthman Lateef is currently the joint khateeb (sermoniser) at Stoke Poges Lane Mosque and Islamic centre, Slough. He has delivered talks in dozens of universities for many years including Aston University, University of Birmingham, University of Manchester, Nottingham Trent University, Newcastle University, SOAS, Royal Holloway University, Queen Mary University, University College of London, Cardiff University, University of East London, Goldsmiths University among many others. He is a renowned speaker that is known for his academic qualifications in history.. He is the director of the Hittin institute and is also an instructor for Tayyibun Institute for the teachings of the Qur'an & Sunnah and Al-Wasatiyyah.
Time & Date: 9am Saturday 24th October 2009
Venue: Heuston Lecture theatre, RCSI, St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2 (Click here for map)
Cost: 4 Euro per person (Food & Refreshments provided)
Contact details:
Contact details:Check out the RCSI ISOC website by clicking here to post a comment or query for now-- This is a responsible information based e-mail. If you DO NOT wish toreceive further emails, simply contact eireislamicevents@gmail.com and you willbe removed from the list immediately.Please NOTE Éire Islamic Events does NOT take responsibility for any of theevents, notices or comments, presented in this e-mail bulletin, other than its own. Those who are interested in taking part inany event or enquiring about a particular notice, should contact the appropriate organisations or individuals. This e-mail is offered as a community service, and is compiled on a best endeavours basis.If you wish to put up an announcement please email Éire Islamic Events on eireislamicevents@gmail.comWe reserve the right to edit submissions and not to include requests.
Maryam: The Blessed Virgin & Mother of Jesus (Peace be upon him)
Assiyah: Wife of the Pharaoh
Umm Musa: Against all odds
Khadijah bint Khuwailid: First of the Believers
Aa’isha bint Abu-Bakr: A Marriage with purpose
Hafsah bint Umar: Custodian of the Qur’an
Family life in Islam: Marriage & Child upbringing
What will you come out at the end of the course?
To provide students with the Islamic view on how to raise a family with good Islamic values.
To give insight on how women in Islam are a much-valued members of the society and that Islam holds them with high regards.
To instill confidence in Muslim students that they should be proud of great individuals from the past who should be there role models.
To enlighten audience on how women should be treated and respected.
Tremendous boost to your emaan.
Clarification of doubts about the relationship between the companions.
Knowledge of practical application of Islam.
Who is this course for?
Every Muslim who dearly loves his/her Deen and wants to know more about its great personalities.
For every dae' who wishes to understand the practical application of Islam as understood by the best of the best of women.
For every Muslim who wishes to others the knowledge of history.
For youth seeking brave, courageous & intelligent role models.
For the Lovers of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).
Speaker: Ustadh Uthman Lateef
Ustadh Uthman Lateef has a BA (Hons) in History, an MA (Dist) in Crusader Studies, an MPhil and is currently completing a PhD on The Place of Fada’il al-Quds (The Merits of Jerusalem) & Religious Poetry in the Muslim effort to recapture Jerusalem during the Crusades. He holds an Isobel Thornley Fellowship from the Institute of Historical Research. He has presented papers in Edinburgh University, the School of Oriental and African Studies, Royal Holloway University, Ghent University (Belgium) and is scheduled to present a paper at the Danish Institute in Damascus in October 2010. Uthman is also partly teaching the Crusades and Eastern Mediterranean, 1095-1291 undergraduate course.
Uthman Lateef is currently the joint khateeb (sermoniser) at Stoke Poges Lane Mosque and Islamic centre, Slough. He has delivered talks in dozens of universities for many years including Aston University, University of Birmingham, University of Manchester, Nottingham Trent University, Newcastle University, SOAS, Royal Holloway University, Queen Mary University, University College of London, Cardiff University, University of East London, Goldsmiths University among many others. He is a renowned speaker that is known for his academic qualifications in history.. He is the director of the Hittin institute and is also an instructor for Tayyibun Institute for the teachings of the Qur'an & Sunnah and Al-Wasatiyyah.
Time & Date: 9am Saturday 24th October 2009
Venue: Heuston Lecture theatre, RCSI, St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2 (Click here for map)
Cost: 4 Euro per person (Food & Refreshments provided)
Contact details:
Contact details:Check out the RCSI ISOC website by clicking here to post a comment or query for now-- This is a responsible information based e-mail. If you DO NOT wish toreceive further emails, simply contact eireislamicevents@gmail.com and you willbe removed from the list immediately.Please NOTE Éire Islamic Events does NOT take responsibility for any of theevents, notices or comments, presented in this e-mail bulletin, other than its own. Those who are interested in taking part inany event or enquiring about a particular notice, should contact the appropriate organisations or individuals. This e-mail is offered as a community service, and is compiled on a best endeavours basis.If you wish to put up an announcement please email Éire Islamic Events on eireislamicevents@gmail.comWe reserve the right to edit submissions and not to include requests.
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