Female Genital Cutting – Whose Problems, whose Solutions? (March 25, Galway)
The Galway One World Centre is holding a public meeting on the subject of Female Genital Cuttingon March 25th at 7pmin the GOWC, Bridge Mills, Dominick Street, Galway."Female Genital Cutting is seen primarily as a problem of parts of the continent of Africa and less attention is given to the practice being used within Western countries", said Ronan Conway, associate professor at the Department of Epidemiology at the Royal College of Surgeons and speaker for the evening. "However, designer laser vaginoplasty and vaginal rejuvenation are growth areas in plastic surgery within Western countries. How can we judge African societies as being barbaric and not condemn equally the cutting of women in the West solely to fulfil male masturbation fantasies?"Even as female genital cutting dies out in traditional societies, cosmetic genital surgery is a rapidly growing and secretive industry in 'developed' societies. Harmless consumer fad, or a new low point in the long story of exploitation of women?This event was originally scheduled for November 2008. However, due to the phenomenal demand, it has been organised again for March 25th. The talk is free of charge.For more information contact Co-ordinator, Galway One World Centretel 091 530590 / email coordinator@galwayowc.orgwebsite http://www.galwayowc.org/- page published 16 March 2009
Muslim Lobby looking for the following volunteers
*Muslim Lobby looking for the following volunteers: (women and men are
invited, full training will be given)*
*1-Blog Managers.*
*2- Spokes person.*
*3- New...
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