Monday, November 15, 2010

The cost to the Irish government of the bank rescues

The cost to the Irish government of the bank rescues, NAMA and a large public sector borrowing requirement to fund current and capital spending has led by late 2010 to a per capita external debt of over $535,000. This represents some 1,305% of Ireland's annual GDP, making it the most indebted country in the world! The next most indebted country was the United Kingdom which owed 428.8% of its GDP.

A FORMER chief economist at the IMF has warned that Brian Lenihan must immediately ask the IMF for a bailout or risk bankrupting the Irish state!

In a nutshell to get out of debt you need to get into more debt! A paradox INDEED!

Is it not time to look at a more practical and long term sustainable solution rather than myopic decision making?

Islamic finance & banking: A solution to Irelands financial fiasco!

Time & Date: 6pm, Friday 26th November 2010

Venue: Robert Emmett Theatre, Arts Block, Trinity College Dublin

Speaker: Dr./Shaykh Haitham al-Haddad (UK & Saudia Arabia)


For further information please contact or call 0851637474 & media queries on
[Note: media interviews with speaker availiable]


Time & Date: 10am Saturday 27th November 2010

Venue: Heuston Theatre, St Stephens Green, Royal College of Surgeons


Date & Time: SUNDAY (28th November 2010) After Dhur prayer

Venue: IFI, Dublin Mosque, South Circular Road

Speaker: Shaykh/Dr Haitham al-Haddad (Saudia Arabia & UK)


............ABOUT THE EVENT..........

"...Knowledge is the discerning proof of what is right and what is wrong, and it is the positive force that will help you surmount the trials of comfort, as well as those of hardships. Knowledge is your most powerful sword against your enemy, and finally, it is your most dignifying raiment in the company of your close companions."
Mu'aadh ibn Jabal, radi' Allaahu 'anhu

Imagine entering Jannah without any accounting. Imagine not having your sins displayed in from of Mankind, not having to explain for anything and being able to enter Jannah without any difficult or humiliation! Do you know how? By perfecting your knowledge of tawheed and worship of Allah. Tawheed is the preoccupation of a Muslim in his life, so he begins his life with it and he ends his life with it. His task in life is to establish Allah's oneness and the call to it.

Take a journey into the detailed study of Allah, our Creator Most High! Learn about His worship, the testimony of faith and what it means for us and how to purify and perfect our tawheed. Learn about the many manifestations of Shirk and how people commit the most heinous crime of associating partners with Allah and how they seek to justify it under false pretexts.

So we ask Allaah to make the statement of Tawheed (Laa ilaaha lila Allaah) our last words in this world and we ask Him to gather the Muslims upon the statement of Tawheed. This is the single most important course that any Muslim will ever attend.

..............SPEAKER BIOGRAPHY.............

Shaykh/Dr. Haitham al-Haddad is one of the mainstream UK based scholars, a senior advisor on the Islamic Sharia Council and currently holds the position of chair and operations advisor for the Muslim Research and Development Foundation (MRDF). He has studied under the tutelage of world-renown scholars such as Shaikh Ibn Baz, Shaikh Ibn Jibreen and Shaikh Ibn Aqeel. Shaykh Haitham holds a BSc Honours in Law and Sharia from Omdurman University in Khartoum, Sudan. He also holds a Bsc in Computer Science from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (Saudi Arabia) and a PhD in Islamic Law at SOAS, London. Shaykh Haitham is qualified to deliver religious verdicts with specialisation in Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh), Islamic law and Islamic finance.

...................TARGET AUDIENCE...............

- Every daee, murabbi, student of knowledge who wants to learn about how to call people to Allah
- Every parent who wants to raise his or her children upon pure tawheed
- Every Muslim who wants to truly know the meaning of his/her faith in Allah
- New Muslims who have just embraced Islam
-Any student (undergraduate & postgraduate in the area of religion)

Charity Week & Round Off Dinner! Wanna be a Millionaire?! Ex-Guantanamo Bay Prisoner Tour & FIGO 2010!Tuesday, 26 October, 2010 20:17

“And they feed for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan and the captive. We feed you for the sake of Allah alone: no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks” (Quran Surah Al-Insaan:8)

It's time to act! There are millions of children all over the world that live in poverty. So let's work together and make a difference to their lives by joining Charity Week 2010.

Get involved by contacting us at:

Visit our website and check out our Facebook (Charity Week Ireland 2010 and FOSIS Ireland) to get updated with tremendous activites organized by Students Islamic Socties in Ireland in conjungtion of Charity Week.

Click here for latest newsfeeds:


Ireland Charity Week Team invites you to a night of remembrance and appreciation:
Charity Round Off Dinner for CW 2010

Date & Time: 6pm Thursday,12 November 2010

Venue: Jimmy Chung's Buffet. Dublin 1

Ticket: 12 euro Buffet style
(2 euro goes to charity!)

Dress Theme: TBC

Dinner, CW Awards Ceremony, Charity Auction Night and many more amazing surprises!
Contact your ISOC reps for Tickets!

Limited tickets available!



Who wants to be a Millionaire - Get Rich in the 10 BEST days of the year! Online Webinar

Mercy Mission, FOSIS Ireland & UK and PMC ISOC (Malaysia) present......

Speaker: Shaykh/Dr. Tawfique Chowdhury

Saturday: 06th November 2010

Time: 1pm Ireland & UK, 9pm Malaysia, 9am Toronto & 12am Australia

URL link:

Contact details: uk (Ireland) & (UK)

Book your place now!!!



'...Enemy Combatant: My Imprisonment in Guantanamo Bay, Bagram & Kandahar (Afganistan).....''

FOSIS Ireland Justice Awareness Week 2010