RACE AGAINST TIME: Reaping the fruits of Ramadan
Speaker: Shaykh/Dr. Tawfique Chowdhury
(Speaker & Event details below)
Saturday 14th August 2010
Time: 2pm UK & Ireland, 9pm Malaysia & 11pm Australia
Live Online Webinar, Online details will be sent soon insh'Allah
Contact details: ireland.chair@fosis.org uk
Details of the event:
With the advent of another Ramadan, a mixture of feelings overwhelm the hearts of Muslims all over the world. The hearts are full of hope, based on truthful promises and glad tidings given by Allah and his Messenger, of great bounties and endless bliss.
- Significance of the month of Ramadhan ie the Qur'an & Historical events etc.
- Virtues of Idadah in Ramadhan
- Significance & etiquette's of fasting
- Balancing Professional/student life (incl. Medical students) & Ibadah in Ramadhan
- Last blessed 10 nights of Ramadhan & Layla-tul Qadr
Speaker biograhy:
Shaykh/Dr. Tawfique Chowdhury is the founder and Director General of Mercy Mission and AlKauthar Institute. A graduate of the college of Shariah from the Islamic University of Madinah, he is trained in various Islamic subjects with his favourite area of teaching being Fiqh. He has excelled in his academic studies from an early age, consistently being awarded prizes and accolades for his various achievements.
Sheikh Tawfique is a registered medical doctor in Australia, an experienced business professional and held a CEO position with a multinational IT company. He is also a corporate trainer, business coach and mentor.
Being a prolific speaker, Sheikh Tawfique has travelled internationally sharing his knowledge in many countries in Europe, North America, Middle East, Africa, Asia and Australia. He is renowned for specialising in Fiqh topics ‐particularly Islamic finance, Family Law and Medical Ethics from an Islamic perspective ‐ and his opinions in these matters are eagerly sought. He is also a well known media contributor on various TV Channels such as AlMajd, Peace TV, Islam Channel and ABC Asia Pacific.
He currently resides in Gold Coast, Australia, with his wife and 5 children.